Thursday, January 6, 2011


[2011.01.06] 原只是簡單的"石蕊"問題,是否石蕊試紙由石蕊製造,答案很單純,至少,自從波以耳發明(發現)石蕊的萃取液可以酸鹼雙向檢驗,當時所用的石蕊應是英國容易取得的種類故事的細節不知哪裡有記錄,或者可以再查。這裡摘錄了維基上一段不算詳細的描述,關於地衣的名稱來源。這又讓我有種缺乏參考工具的感嘆(真希望我有中文古籍庫的查詢權)。


Lichens (pronounced /ˈlaɪkən/,[1] sometimes /ˈlɪtʃən/[2])
[1] Oxford English DictionaryOxford University Press. 2nd ed. 1989.
[2] Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary Second Edition, page 731. Cambridge University Press, 2005


一種類似於葛仙米(Nostoc commune)的珠藻科藍藻又稱作地耳或地木耳,亦於一些大陸地區中稱作地衣,以之作為食品。此種地衣不同於地衣(Lichen)。實際上,地衣(Lichen)中生長於地上者並不多,然而何為稱之地衣?最近一個日本學者考察地衣的詞源[1] [2]: 據此,地衣一詞首見於早期道教書籍。但是,所指植物是現在的車前。其後,唐人陳藏器在本草書中首次記載地衣草,這個地衣草應是現在的地衣(Lichen)的詞源。李時珍將之與《日華子諸家本草》中所記載的地衣視為統一種植物並記載了《本草綱目》中。清朝,李善蘭同兩位傳教士編輯一本科學書《植物學》時,對lichen的詞譯採取本草書中的植物名稱地衣。當時西方人最常見的地衣可能就是可用藥的冰島苔,它生長地上。所以,他們可能毫不疑問使用地衣。

1. 作者(?) 先由亦稱作地衣的藍綠藻開始談起,不懂其邏輯?或只是剛好有一樣的別名。我也很難說什麼,也許我是地域性地太過主觀。但似乎與其詞源無涉,除非有古書專指這些藍綠藻(而非現在的稱呼),或者能證明這個稱呼更早,已超過後面的記錄(陳藏器(681~757),唐代)。

2. 對於使用地衣的說法實在不具說服力,等我改天讀完日文文獻再來補充了(我看不懂日文)。

<1>. 久保 輝幸 (KUBO Teruyuki),2009。Lichenは如何にして地衣と翻訳されたか。Journal of history of science, Japan. Series II, 48(249): 1-10。(How Lichen Was Translated as Chii [in Japanese])

摘要如下:Chii, the Japanese term for 'lichen', is widely used in contemporary East Asia. However, precisely when and by whom this term was first used to refer to lichen is not known. In addition, Japanese botanists from the 1880s to the 1950s had doubts regarding whether Chii was an accurate translation of lichen, given that Chii originally referred to moss that grows on the ground, whereas most species of lichens grow on barks of trees or on rocks. In this paper, the author shows that Li Shanlan and A. Williamson et al., in the late Qing dynasty of China, first used the term Chii to refer to lichen in Zhiwuxue, published in 1858. In Japan, Tanaka Yoshio, who was influenced by Zhiwuxue, first used the term Chii in 1872. However, further investigations led to the discovery that ITO Keisuke translated lichen as Risen in 1829. In 1836, UDAGA WA Yoan also translated lichen as Risen by using a different kanji (Chinese character) to represent sen. In 1888, in his article, MIYOSHI Manabu suggested a new equivalent term, Kisoukin, to refer to lichen (algae-parasitized fungi). In the article, he proposed the term Kyosei as the Japanese translation of symbiosis. Ever since the late 1880s, Kyosei has been used as the Japanese biological term for symbiosis.
<2>. 似乎還沒發現作者名字,標題:《地衣の名物学的研究》。這是一本極詳盡討論在名物學裡地衣一詞的相關考證。等我讀完吧~~


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